How to get Pest Control Registration in India?


Pest Control Registration in India

Insecticides Act was brought into force with effect from 1st August, 1971. In the Act and the Rules were framed there under, an in that its  compulsory registration of the pesticides at the Central level and license  for their manufacture, formulation and sale are dealt with at the State level.

 With the enforcement of the Insecticides Act in the country pesticides of very high quality are made available to the farmers and general public for house-hold use, for protecting the agricultural crops from the pests, humans from diseases and the health hazards involved in their use have been minimized to a great extent. For the effective enforcement of the Insecticides Act, the two bodies have been constituted at the Central level viz.

Pest Control Operators

 Any person who desires to undertake pest control operations, with the use of Aluminum Phosphide, Methyl bromide. Ethylene dibromide or as notified shall apply for a license in Form VI-A with a fee of rupees one thousand for each place of operation. The license granted for such operations shall be valid for a period of five years provided that the license shall be renewed after verification or inspection at the expiry of this period on application in Form VI-B for a further period of five years with an application fee of rupees one thousand.

Any person who applies for grant of license for undertaking pest control operations should be at least a graduate in Agriculture or in Science with Chemistry as a subject with a certificate of minimum 15 days training from any of the following Institutions-Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore; Indian Grain Storage Institute, Hapur and National Plant Protection Training Institute, Hyderabad.

  1. For undertaking fumigation, the pest control operators shall have to obtain special permission from the Plant Protection Adviser to the Government of India in addition to obtaining license. The Plant Protection Adviser will grant such permission as per procedure or guide lines approved by the Registration Committee
  2. The commercial pest control operators shall adhere to the prescribed guidelines or procedures as laid down by the Plant Protection Adviser to the Government of India in regard to the fumigation operations undertaken by them

Duration of licenses and Renewal

Any License issued or renewed under this shall, unless sooner suspended or cancelled, be in force for a period of  5 calendar  years.

  1. An application for the renewal of a license shall be made before its expiry and if such an application is made after the date of expiry then late fee  will be charged as per the rules
  2. For addition , deletion or alteration and duplicate registration certificate fee is Rs 100/-
  3. For Cancellation fee Rs 100 and it should  be published in two English and Hindi newspapers

If you have questions regarding Pest Control Registration and need expert guidance, then give us a call: 8178861057, 9910260004

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