Start Own Internet Business with PM WANI Yojana

PM WANI License Registration Consultants India


Want to start your own Internet business? PM WANI Yojana makes it possible. PM WANI stands for PRIME MINISTER (PM) – Wi-Fi ACCESS NETWORK INTERFACE (WANI). It is a game changer where anyone and everyone can start own business and start making money from day one! PM WANI Scheme was launched by Honorable Prime Minister on 09-12-2020. Main Framework of this is to increase Broadband Services through Public Wi-Fi networks. This intends to ease the goal of digital India by providing high speed Broadband internet services to remote area though Wi fi networks.


Ecosystem of PM- WANI Yojana

This will be operated by different players which are described below  :-

  1. Public Data Office ( PDO) – They will be local shops and small establishments who will become WiFi providers. They do not require any license or registration and also they are not required to pay any fee to DoT. NO REGISTRATION AND NO FEE is required to become a PDO. They will connect their WiFi Access points with Internet through Licensed Service Providers only in that area. Then they can deliver broadband services to subscribers through WANI compliant Wi-Fi access points.
  2. Public Data Office Aggregator (PDOA) – Only those companies which are registered under companies act 2013 are eligible for PDOA means company should be a private limited .They have to get registered under DOT and there is no fee for registration. Registration is must and NO FEE .The registration process is an online process and will be completed within 7 working days of the receipt of application. Their main function will be to authorization and accounting of PDO’s subscribers. They declare the tariff for subscribers and keep account of usage of each subscriber.
  3. App Provider – Only those companies which are registered under companies act 2013 are only eligible for APP Provider means company should be a private limited. They have to get registered under DOT and there is no fee for registration. Registration is must and are not required to pay any fee for registration. The registration process is an online process and will be completed within 7 working days of the receipt of application. They will develop an Application to register users and discover WANI compliant Wi-Fi hotspots in the nearby area and display the same within the App for accessing the internet service. App Provider will develop and maintain a software application and authentication for users to signup, discover WANI compliant Wi-Fi hotspots, and do single-click connect from within the App. They will authenticate each subscriber periodically based on some predefined algorithm.
  4. Central Registry – The Central Registry will be maintained by C-DoT. It will maintain WANI architecture and specifications, the details of App Providers, PDOAs, and PDOs. WANI ensures the working among systems and software applications used by PDOA, PDO, App Provider, and Central Registry.

Depending on your business plan and budget, you can decide on which level you would like to get started with PM WANI.  PM WANI Yojana is an excellent opportunity to gain from the immense growth of internet and IT enabled services which promises a bright future and handsome returns. If you wish to start your own internet business and need an experienced consultant to guide you through the process then get in touch with us. We will be glad to be of service.

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