What are the Mandatory Requirements for VNO ISP License?


Only those firms which are registered according to companies act are eligible for applying the UL VNO ISP license that is the company should be a Private Limited firm and when you make a company as a Private Limited firm then there is the document named as MOA ( Memorandum Of Association), in this document you have to mention that what type of services Or what type of business you will do in that company so in that it should be mentioned that you will act as an Internet Service Provider or you will provide Internet Services then only you are eligible for applying for UL VNO ISP license and that is the mandatory requirement.

UL VNO ISP License Consultancy Services by Get License

Get License is India’s leading License Consultancy based in New Delhi. We have over 10 years experience in this field and offer end to end ISP/ VNO/ ACCESS/ DOT OSP/ IP One License registration,  guidance and support. Our expertise ensures a hassle free experience and also saves on time and effort. Furthermore, our services are really affordable. If you are looking for an experienced consultant to manage your license procurement process then connect with Get License.

To discuss your requirements and get our expert opinion Call us : 8178861057, 9910260004

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